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D and A

Creations by Damien Jalet and Alan Lucien Øyen

Masterful dance about the fantasies of life.

  • Duration

    Ca. 2 hrs 25 mins, including interval

  • Dates

    18 Mar — 21 Apr 2022

  • Stage

    Göteborg Opera, Main Stage

  • Genre


  • Price

    50 - 350 SEK

  • Accessibility

The power of nature, life and the body are centre stage in two new dance works that will see their world premiere in Gothenburg.

“Hypnotically beautiful” (SvD)
So beautiful” (Borås Tidning)
“An anthem to life” (SvD)
“Fizzing with playfulness and life-force” (Borås Tidning)

Two acclaimed and very contrasting choreographers will each create a new work for GöteborgsOperans Danskompani. Welcome to a dance evening in the border zone between dream and reality.


Creation by Damien Jalet

In Damien Jalet’s new creation for GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, life and dance hang by a delicate thread. With unstoppable, relentless fluidity and joyful emergency, Kites pulls its audience in a vortex of complex patterns and movements at the crossroad between cutting sharp precision and ecstatic abandon. An extremely physical reflection on the fleeting, fragile yet powerful nature of life, hanging on a thread like a kite surfing on unpredictable currents.

The French-Belgian choreographer’s first work for GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Skid (2017), was an instant success when it had its world premiere in Gothenburg. Today it is in demand for guest performances worldwide. In this new work, Jalet largely collaborates with the same team: The set design is by New York artist Jim Hodges and the costume designer is Jean-Paul Lespagnard.

Damien Jalet is a multiple award-winning choreographer and dancer whose acclaimed works are characterised by a deep interplay between choreography, costume design, set design/art and music. He has collaborated closely for many years with choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui (who choreographed Noetic, Icon, Stoic) and is acclaimed worldwide.


Benjamin Behrends, Miguel Duarte, Sabine Groenendijk, Mai Lisa Guinoo, Janine Koertge, Valērija Kuzmiča, Micol Mantini, Einar Nikkerud, Riley O'Flynn, Anna Ozerskaia, Duncan C Schultz, Endre Schumicky, Frida Seidel, Christoph von Riedemann, Joseba Yerro Izaguirre, Amanda Åkesson

Additional wind-harp recordings by Ralf Kleemann

Photos from Kites

In photo:  Frida Dam Seidel|Photographer:  Tilo Stengel


Alan Lucien Øyen

Curious about the choreographers?

Curious about the choreographers?

Alan’s greeting (recorded 2020)
Kodak (2017), trailer
Skid (2017), interview
Skid (2017), trailer